Instead of five for fighting in hockey, they should have four for fore in golf. Like four points get added to your score if you forget to say fore or something.
Anyway, thank you, Frank, for sharing your dream and making me feel better about mine. Yes, my class take away is Frank's wonderful retelling of Dav-Kid Spade and him on Mario Karts and high-priced diners. You see, I too have bizarre dreams: Harry Potter worshiping a toilet, my neighbors hiding under my bed because they are confused about carrot cake, my dad being an international pop star. So it's very nice to know that others experience the oddity of nonsensical dreams.
How will this help in creative endeavors? Well, many artists get ideas from dreams. In fact, one assignment we had in high school was to make an illustration to accompany one of our dreams. So in the future I could experiment with adding elements from my crazy dreams into my art. Although, drawing my dad as a pop star could be a little much. But maybe I could focus on the colors used or the emotions felt in my dreams and try to incorporate them into my artwork. You never know; maybe my rendering of carrot cake could strike fear into another soul. MWHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
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